On the Shortness of Life by Seneca
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book did not disappoint at all.
It is peppered throughout with seemingly endless snippets of wisdom.
Although some chapters seemed to be based around different topics, Seneca gives us gems of advice in order to better understand how to deal with life mishaps, misfortunes and difficulties.
Life is indeed very short, and I love the analogy Seneca catches us unaware with when he mentions how little we would think of an important businessman who paid no attention to his employees. We would think him arrogant and selfish, yet when it comes to our own needs and wants, how often do we ignore our own selves? How can we even attempt to deflect any blame here?
This book provides much food for thought on many essential aspects of life, and personally helped me to realise how little time we really have in this world. In this sense it has been a completely fulfilling read and I highly recommend it to others.